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CIMSA Indonesia
Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is a non-profit and non government organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political and non partisan with activity based programs. CIMSA consist of 6 standing committees related to health issues, that is Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV/AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Right and Peace, Research Exchange and Professional Exchange. Having 27 active locals throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), the biggest students’ organization in the world who has been recognized by United Nations.
The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) was one of the numerous international student organizations set up directly after the end of the Second World War. The first meeting that saw the establishment of the Federation was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in May 1951. The first members of this new organization were England, Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark. London saw the first General Assembly of IFMSA in July 1952. The meeting had a total of thirty participants from ten countries.
CIMSA is a medical student organization that operates under IFMSA, CIMSA has a vision of “Empowering medical students, improving nations health”. The vision of CIMSA is implemented into 6 standing committees that is SCOPH, SCORP, SCOME, SCORA, SCORE, and SCOPE. CIMSA USU itself is an organization under the auspices of the CIMSA , which currently has 3 SCOs that is SCOPH, SCORP, and SCOME. CIMSA USU is a platform for each member to do activities and to be creative in responding to global and local health issues in the form of 4 activities such as campaign, celebration, project, and event. In the past 2 years, CIMSA USU has had an impact on improving the lives of the people and improving the quality of each member through its ongoing activities going forward. Hopefully it will be an inspiration for us all to actively participate in improving the health of the people of Indonesia. Be active with CIMSA.
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Official CIMSA USU 2021/2022
Jl. Dr. Mansyur No. 5, Padang Bulan, Kec. Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20155
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